Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节

Gathering, thankgiving and pray

The festival was a time to enjoy the successful reaping of rice and wheat with food offerings made in honor of the moon. Today, it is still an occasion for outdoor reunions among friends and relatives to eat mooncakes and watch the Moon, a symbol of harmony and unity

The myth of Mid Autumn

Hou Yi & Chang'e

Long long time ago, there was a beautiful young girl named Chang E(嫦娥) working in the Jade Emperor’s palace in heaven, where immortals, good people and fairies lived.


One day, she accidentally broke a precious porcelain jar. Angered, the Jade Emperor banished her to live on earth, where ordinary people lived. She could return to the Heaven, if she contributed a valuable service on earth.


So Chang E was transformed into a daughter of a rich farming family. When she was 18, a young hunter named Hou Yi(后羿) from another village spotted her, now a beautiful young woman. They became friends.


One day, a strange phenomenon occurred—10 suns arose in the sky instead of one, blazing the earth. Hou Yi, an expert archer, stepped forward to try to save the earth. He successfully shot down nine of the suns, becoming an instant hero. He eventually became king and married Chang E.

Montea Mid Autumn Promotions

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The myth of Mid Autumn

The Chang'e Benyue

But Hou Yi grew to become greedy and selfish. He sought immortality by ordering an elixir be created to prolong his life. The elixir in the form of a single pill was almost ready when Chang E came upon it. She either accidentally or purposely swallowed the pill. This angered King Hou Yi, who went after his wife.


Trying to flee, she jumped out the window of a chamber at the top of palace—and, instead of falling, she floated into the sky toward the moon. King Hou Yi tried unsuccessfully to shoot her down with arrows.


Chang’e fled to the moon and became the spirit of the moon. Houyi died soon because he was overcome with great anger. Thereafter, people offer a sacrifice to Chang’e on every fifteenth day of eighth month to commemorate Chang’e’s action.

Tea pairing Suggestion

Mooncake & Tea Pairing

Snow Skin Mooncake + Xiang Pian

Xiang Pian tea, also known as flower-smoked tea or fragrant flower tea, is a tea that has been infused with flowers three or more times. Xiang Pian tea usually refers to jasmine-scented green tea that has a very rich, noble, and delicate flavor and aroma.

Five Kernel Mooncake + Pu' er

Pu erh can be sweet, bitter, floral, mellow, woody, astringent, sour, earthy, watery, or even tasteless. A combination of tastes appear in one single steeping. Bear in mind that the taste also changes as the tea ages. So, don’t throw away your pu erh if you didn’t like it the first time.

Lotus Paste Mooncake + Huang Jin Gui

This tea is one of the four famous Anxi Oolong along with Tie Guan Yin. The name Huang Jin Gui means "Golden Osmanthus", which is earned through the golden liquor its yellowish green leaves infused into, and for its distinct Osmanthus flower-like aroma.

Yam Paste Mooncake + Long Jing

The aroma of the genuine product is warm, fresh, complex and with a note of baked mung beans, or chestnut, and a distinctive accent of bouquet. Properly infused, a fine Longjing has a dense, sharp, savoury full body without being tannic, but an accent of slight astringency.
